Sunday, February 6, 2011

Are We The Dumbest Generation?"

In my opinion, I do not personally think that we are the dumbest generation. I do believe that our generation has different goals and a different list of priorities than those of the older generation. I think that the opinion that we are the dumbest generation may have somthing to do with this fact that we have a different list of priorities and thing that are valued by us today. Times have changed and different things become important to us. For example for the older generation top of the priority list may have been things like religion, and family, etc.  Today's generation may have a  different list such as facebook, friends, etc. Not every priority has changed but many have. Although i do not feel that we are the dumbest generation there are instances that do disapoint me and make me doubt our generation, such as the video that we watched in class of the beauty pagent. I was highly disapointed by the answer that was given by the girl featured in the segment of the pagent. When I was watching it I thought "What is she even saying? She is making no sense at all." The responce given made me even feel dumb, however it was a good laugh because I guess you don't realize how unintelligent some of today's generation is. I don't that speak for all of the generation though.
I will admit that our generation does have its weak moments, and our values and priorities may be swayed just a bit. I will be the first to admit that I love social networks, such as Facebook. I actually have it up right now while I am writing this blog. I love to stay connected with my friends and family, and I love to know what is going on. I like to stay " in the loop". But at the same time I do not revolve my entire life around it. I do not put it ahead of my real priorities such as my education, and real interaction with friends and family.  I do think that it does frighten the youth of today to be uninformed, and not included as mentioned in the one article we read for class. I think this may be one reason that todays youth puts so much emphasis on sites such as these.
I think that I would definitly say that we are not the dumbest generation. However we may be a lazier one. There are those that want everything handed to them on a silver platter, or don't want to have to work for anything that they have, but there are those out there dedicated to their work and education.  It is unfair to lump our generation all together and call us the dumbest generation because although there are those of us who are less motivated and put more empahsis on things that maybe  shouldn't be on the top of our priority list, this is not the case for all of us.  I feel that we are the most computer savey generation, and we are the most education motivated generation. We have many people going to higher education. I think that speaks for somthing.
Overall I disagree with the articles that we read stating that we are the dumbest generation. I will admit that our values and such have changed drastically when compared with the older generation, but you know what they say..."The times, they are a changin'".


  1. Honestly, I couldn't have said it better myself !

  2. I agree with all of this! The sentence that stook out to me was that we are the laziest generation..I couldn't agree with you more about that!! For example, how we were talking in class about if we want to know something we just google it. That has LAZY written all over it!!
