Friday, February 25, 2011

Can We Blame "Them"?- Blog # 6

In some ways I believe that we, as a society, have "lost" our "right" to privacy. Things in today's world have become so corrupt and there are so many people out there with the intent to harm, that our society feels so unsafe, that the government feels they need  to watch our every move. Whether or not this is for our own "protection" as they tell us, or that its just that they want to spy on everyone at all times, merely for their own gain or because they are simply nosey, I am not sure. But there is no doubt that our privacy has definitly been compromised. In even the simplest ways our privacy level has gone down. Whether it be a security camera placed at the most rediculous of places or monitoring of one's every move on the computer, our privacy is compromised.

I guess that one can not really blame "them" for wanted to spy. The world today, as I mentioned earlier, has become such a violent, and corrupt environment with so many people who's goal is to cause harm that people feel unsafe and are willing to give up a certain amout of their freedom for the feeling of "safety". I guess that it is our own faults for our loss of privacy though when you think about it. When one turns on the news in the evening or in the morning, how often is there somthing positive on it? Hardly ever is there a story about a man who saves a child from being hit by a car, or a person donated a million dollars to the Breast Cancer Foundation, or two people fell madly in love and are engaged to be married. Do we ever really hear anything like that on the news? Not really. When we flip on the news to see what is going on in the world, ninety percent out of one hundred times it's negative. Its a man with a bomb strapped to his chest ran into a crowded building and killed two hundred people, or a child was taken from their home in the middle of the night, or a woman was raped and killed and her body was found outside a bar in an allyway, or another bank was robbed, or a woman was shot during a robbery at a nearby gas station. Like this is what our world has come to. So can we really blame people for wanted to feel "safe"? Can we really blame the government or whoever "they" are for wanting to monitor our every move and have acess to all of our most personal information? I don't know if we can really asnwer "Yes" to that question anymore.


  1. I cant even remember the last time i heard something good on the news, thats why i never watch it anymore. My mother never watched it so i was raised never too. She would always tell me that society is so violent! And its not something nice to wake up to in the morning.

  2. yeah i completely agree with you with our society being so corupt! it is really ridiculous and something needs to be done about it. i can't blame the government for them wanted to spy on us; honestly i don't care anymore because i understand the reasoning behind it.

  3. I couldn't agree with you any more! People want to get mad when they comit a crime for stupid things such as robbing a gas station for example and then a camera catches their licenses plate number! STUPID! You'd think there would be a decrease in things such as this because people know they are constantly being monitored! GUESS NOT!

  4. Yes! I don't watch the news for exactly the reasons you listed. There is this sense of FEAR that accompanies everything that is "news"worthy.
