Monday, January 31, 2011

A Choice Or An Addiction?- "A Puppet On Strings"

I can't believe how this world has become so dependent on technology. This documentary sucked me in completely. It consumed me as soon as I started watching it. I think the thing that shocked me the most about the video was that the one woman said that she sees playing World of Warcraft with someone and talking to them online as going out to dinner. In my opinion, that doesnt even come close to comparing. Virtuality is emotionless. There is no personal contact, no looking into someone's eyes. There is no physical contact. There's nothing intimate, or personal, or loving or caring or anything about virtuality. It is a world that does not exsist.  Then the same woman started talking about how she had fallen in love through the internet. I couldnt believe this. I am a huge romantic and the thought of falling in love with someone when you have never met, have never had so much as a kiss, or a touch, or a real face-to-face conversation with just blows my mind. It makes me feel like there would be no real substance or reality to the relationship. The statistics that were stated within the documentary were that one in three female gamers date someone they met in a virtual world. That baffeles me. Completely just consumes my thoughts. For me, it would never compare. I just can't imagine basing my relationship on a virtual world, or basically a character. A fictional character within a world that does not exsist. 
Another thing that I couldn't believe was that the one man said that most gamers see their jobs as dead-end jobs, where they are paper pushers and see them going nowhere, and within the virtual world they have power. I think this is absolutly rediculouse. If someone is not happy with their career or job, then they need to find one that will make them happy. Not turn to spending 12 hours a day online in a world that is not real. 
Another aspect that is completly astounding is the fact of time. I mean 8 hours at work, 4 hours sleeping, 11 hours gaming. That leaves 1 hour for free time, for things like eating, showering, hanging out with friends,family, etc. I just couldn't imagine spending that much time on a computer.  A quote from the video that rang in my ears was, "Three days later, I realized I hadn't slept."  How could someone become so involved in a game that they don't realize that they havn't slept for three days? With this question comes another topic: When does it stop becomming a choice and when does it start being an addiction? When does it start to tale over a life, and ruining a life? The one guy that was interviewed on the documnetary stated, "I knew I was sick from playing it, I knew I had to stop....I just wanna keep playing it, I'm not going to stop...fourteen to sixteen hours a day easily." Then he proceeded to say that he would urinate into a plastic soda bottle instead of getting up to go to the restroom. He said that he had a great relationship, and that crumbled down, and he lost his business, and they forclosed on his house.  This is an addiction. When one can't notice that their life is suffering and falling to peices around them, or they can see it, but continue to do what they are doing. Thats when it becomes an addiction.  That same guy said that he felt like a "Puppet on a string" when referring to how he felt when playing the game.
In my opinion, I would never be able to become so utterly wrapped up in somthing like this. To me my real life is just too important. This documentary made me ralize how bad it really is getting. Where a virtual world starts to repalce our reality. It makes me want to ask, "What is the world comming to?"


  1. I said the same thing about him peeing in a bottle, that was sooo gross.. and i dont understand how people can fall in love over the internet either i mean maybe with their personality but everything is fake and they use it to be the people they are not! 12 hours a day online,its unreal!

  2. "Three days later, I realized I hadn't slept" That is one of the quotes that stood out to me as well. I had to back that up a little and listen to it again. That's 72 hours! I can barely get through a 24 hour day without taking a little nap haha I have yet to find something that I would trade 72 hours of sleep for.

  3. It is really sad that we have become dependent on technology, but now that's all we know sadly. I would never want to sit and talk through a video game for dinner, she is clearly crazy. lol That is the cheapest date. lol I don't know how these people pay their bills when they quit their jobs for video games. It's really sickening.

  4. "Virtuality is emotionless" -- Wow! This is a powerful statement and you really "unpack" your analysis nicely. I'd love to read your thoughts about this even further. Hm, maybe this could be an option for a project/paper... =)

  5. I FOUND IT !
