Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why Yes I Can!

When we were given the assignment of living a week without technology I thought to myself "There is no way that I can live without my cellphone or the computer." But then I actually thought about what it would be like without technology, a thought occured to me. "I have som many other things that I could do with my time than spending hour on Facebook or spending my entire day texting while I carry out my usual tasks. I could spend time with the people that really matter to me. I could put more emphasis on my family, my friends, and my education. I could get together with my friends and have a personal conversation face-to-face. I could look into there eyes as I talk to them. We could have fun and do a million things without technology. But heres the thing, I dont really want to live without technology, maybe just monitor how often I use it. Technology can be a great thing, the problem is when it starts to take presidence over family, friends, education, religion, etc. When the television becomes a huge part of a family dinner, or text messaging keeps a mother and daughter from talking in person, or when Facebook becomes the only concern of a high school student who had final exams to study for, this is when technology becomes a problem. When technology begins to take over that is when we need to look at our lives and evaluate what is really important. So after all that, let me ask myslef that question again, "Can I live without technology?" "Why yes, yes I can!"


  1. Did you try living without it? It occurs to me that even if you approach others "technology free" to have a "face-to-face" conversation with them, they may not do the same.

  2. This is really true. Without technology we could really get a lot done, in a faster time. Homework wouldn't take a long, neither would studying.

  3. So at the begining of the semester I actually deactivated my facebook account so I could concentrate on my academics, and to be completely honest the first couple days I missed it, but now I don't even think about it. I am getting so much done!!!! Living without technology makes a huge difference time managment!

  4. Ive never thought about how much time im wasting on facebook and how much i could get done. your probably right in saying that people can get a lot more done! i do agree that technology can be good but to much is not. It would be realy hard for me to live without my cell phone haha
