Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Introduction- This is Me!!!!

My name is Kirsten Elizabeth Bowers. I am a 20 year old junior Marketing major here at Shippensburg University. My hobbies include spending time with friends and family, facebook, music, fast cars, the beach, tanning, art, dancing, shopping, fashion, and so much more. My friends and my family are the most important things to me. Next comes my education. Then comes having fun and living life to the fullest. I am a very free spirited, down to earth, friendly, caring, organized, dedicated, fun loving, loud, outgoing, opinionated, spontaneous person. I live at home with my mom and my 17 year old sister, Lindsey. My family is my backbone, my rock. Without my mom, I would be nothing. She has made me everything I am and has pushed me to be my best at everything that I do. My dad does not live with us, but he is only about 5 minutes away and he supports me in everything that I do as well. I have 2 dogs, a Jack Russle Terrier named Zoe and a Chihuahua named Louie.  My favorite place in the world is the beach. I would love to live in California. My favorite movie is deffinitly Black Swan which has not come out on DVD yet, but it is the most amazing movie. I also love Avatar, and many other movies.  Watching movies is one of my faborite things to do.  I also love music. I am pretty much listening to music about 90% of the time. It is my escape from the world.  I love to read, although I find myself not reading as much now-a-days unless its for a class. I work at Red Robin, in Carlisle as a server. I love where I work and who I work with. I believe in peace, soulmates, love at first sight, God, spirits, and miracles.  I dont believe in war, animal testing, or hate. Overall I am a down to earth, fun-loving, easy going person. I will talk to anyone, anytime. 


  1. Awww! I wanted to see Black Swan, but I never got the chance to! I can't wait for it to come out on DVD. The description of yourself sounds just like me. lol. I'm thinking about getting a Chihuahua for the year, because I will be living in a house with my friends and we can have pets. I'm so excited, because I adore dogs!

  2. I'm also looking forward to watching Black Swan. I've heard so many good reviews, and I'm a huge movie buff! Welcome to class!

  3. I saw Black Swan and it was amazing! such a good movie. But I love the Carribean, the Bahamas are my favorite place to visit. It's so pretty and warm there i deffinately agree. And Im also obsessed with music we have a lot of things in common!

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  5. I LOVE THE BEACH AS WELL! I'm half Jamaican so I normally get to go there at least once a year. By the way I admirer you for how dedicated you are to school. 6 classes this semster is CRAZY!!! I'm sure you will do great :)

  6. The beach would definetly be my favorite place to be in the world! I went to CA when I was sixteen and I loved the beaches there! To quote our choir t-shirts, "Music is my heartbeat." There isn't much at all that I do without music playing. I'm so glad we met and I'm glad we are in the same group!
