Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog # 9- World Without Books?

"Thanks to the fireman, you can be happy all the time..."
A World Without Books?

A world without books would be no world at all. Today we burn books in amny different ways. Everytime that we go to the internet and type in Sparknotes into the browser to look up summaries of the book that we were supposed to read for class the next day is figuatively burning books. We rely largely on the internet now-a-days instead of actually picking up a book and reading it. Or instead of using a dictionary we just get on Without even realizing it we burn books every day. If we really stop and think about how important books really are, I think they we may start to pay alittle more attention to our "burning" of our books. Without books we would not be able to study and learn from our past. A world without no world at all.

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