Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog # 9- World Without Books?

"Thanks to the fireman, you can be happy all the time..."
A World Without Books?

A world without books would be no world at all. Today we burn books in amny different ways. Everytime that we go to the internet and type in Sparknotes into the browser to look up summaries of the book that we were supposed to read for class the next day is figuatively burning books. We rely largely on the internet now-a-days instead of actually picking up a book and reading it. Or instead of using a dictionary we just get on Without even realizing it we burn books every day. If we really stop and think about how important books really are, I think they we may start to pay alittle more attention to our "burning" of our books. Without books we would not be able to study and learn from our past. A world without no world at all.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The End is Upon Us..... Blog #10

I have been so privaledged this semester to learn so much. I find myself thinking more outside the box. I find myself analyzing more of what I read and excepting less without asking questions first. I have grown so much over this semster not only scholarly but as a person as well. I have broadened my horizons of thought and learned not to just except something because it is in writting. We have read many great things this semester. They have all caused me to experience many emotions, as well as made me think.

I think that out of all of the works we have read, all the videos and pictures, etc. that we have discussed, the one that has disgusted me the most or has sparked the most emotion within me was the video that we watched in class about the woman who raises her kid to hate gays, lesbians, etc. Yesterday when we watched that video it took everything that I had not to scream at the screen (even thought that would have done no good). The thought of someone boycotting a soldier's funural because they died defending a corrupt world with "fags" in it just horrifies me. For one, I have to wonder if she has even read one page of the book that she claims to be preaching. God loves everyone, no matter what. And I seriously doubt that "He" would want anyone to treat a person with such disrespect, even if "He" didn't support their lifestyle. Secondly, how a person can be so disrespectful, and crude and heartless as to boycott somthing as seriouse as a funural is just way bewond my world of thought. A funural is part of the morning process for a human being. Inside that cascette that she is shouting her rediculous beliefs at is someones loved one. Inside is someone's son, daughter, mother, father, aunt, uncle, husband, wife. Someone is really hurting, because a person who they have had in their life, who means a lot to them is now gone forever. And thirdly, that soldier who she is boycotting the funural of, he/she died defending the country that she lives in. He/She died to make sure that our country stays the same so that she can continue to voice her totally assinine theories, and opinions in public. If not for that soldier, everything that she knows could change. What a way to show your respect and gratitude for someone huh?

Im just going to say this. This woman is absolutley out of her mind insane. She has totally gone off the deep end, and I think its too late to save her. If someone was at a funural that I was at doing what she does, I would get in their face. I would probably punch them in the face, no matter the reprocusions.

Not only is that disrespectful, but its totally rediculous. In my opinion, love is love, no matter the sex. Everyone deserves to be happy, and who are we to say that has to be a specific thing. I will be the first one to admit that I stand for gay/lesbain rights. I have always felt this way and watching this video in class has just reasured me of how I feel and why. To me, people are people, no matter who they love. Everyone deserves to have that one person who makes them feel like the most special person in the world, and I think that if you find that in someone, you should hold on tight, no matter how different your relationship may be.

Ohh and a word to the crazy woman from the video, "You are crazy, and maybe you should think twice about shoving your rediculous theories of this so called "Bible" that you speak of down the throats of others. We are all people, and you, are not God, so hows about you leave his work to him, hmm? Oh and stay away from me, because if you meet me, I promise you that you will not like me!!!"     :)

To Dr. Shannon, you have been a great professor. I love that you welcome our opinions and our thoughts with open arms, and an open mind. It is not often that the student is asked to speak their mind and encouraged to feel the way they do. I really enjoyed your class. I have grown as a student and as a person as a result of your class.